Live Discussion with “Ex Psychic Saved” Jenn Nizza | Should Christians Make Vision Boards?
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Check out this live discussion Emily had with our dear friend Jenn Nizza from Expsychicsaved last week on why Christians should not be participating in creating vision boards.
The New Age has subtly crept into the church and we need to be able to discern the lies of Satan from the truth of God. Jenn practiced and taught manifesting when she was a psychic and as a Christian now, she sees how the very same things she did as a psychic are being twisted around and taught in the church. This is the ploy of the evil one to twist scripture to get you into disobedience to God. Emily and her husband Paul Massey were saved out of the Word of Faith Movement years ago, and today Emily will share why Christians should NOT make vision boards!
Jenn and Emily’s interview on the similarities of WOF practices and The Law of Attraction