“Let them discern for themselves” was found in a comment on our Facebook page recently regarding our ministry.
Oh, how we are so thankful that we were not left to “discern for [ourselves]!”
Of course, we are to study the Word of God to not be misled, but many people are studying it with blinders on and are perpetually deceived. This is why one can listen to the same teaching and hear something completely different as someone else if they are not careful. There is a specific meaning to each verse of the Bible. It’s not open to various personal interpretations. Truth is objective. Truth is absolute.
As believers, we are called to defend the faith (Jude 1:3) and warn others about false teachers that cause division in the Body of Christ (Romans 16:17-18).
How are we to defend if we turn a blind eye when one is in error?
How are we to mark and avoid false teachers if we don’t know who they are?
We thank God for men who stood up and called out false teachers and their error. They are protecting sheep by pointing out the wolves in sheep’s clothing and then carefully leading these misguided ones safely back to truth and fellowship with the flock.
Perhaps you yourself have been following some of those wolves without even knowing it.
We did and that’s why we share our story and caution others to truly study God’s Word in context. Warning others of false teaching is always done out of love for others to not be taken captive by doctrine of demons.
It is true love to warn others of false teaching, friends. To “let them discern for themselves” would be like letting them drink a glass of water knowing there is a drop of poison in it. It looks like water, but just that little drop of poison could kill them. It is the same with false teaching..there is some truth to what is being said, but under careful Biblical analysis there is error that will grow if not dealt with immediately. Error breeds more error.
When it comes to the Bible, there is a standard and it must be upheld and defended.
We promise to never be silent when we see others drift into error…we want to stand with you as we learn to discern together.