Years ago, I (Emily) used to believe that encountering the power of God was limited to a financial breakthrough or witnessing someone walk out of a wheelchair or being moved…
What is Our Only Hope in Life and Death?
As Christians, we are not ones who grieve without hope because our hope is set in eternity. We can say that because we believe what the Bible says as well…
“Let them discern for themselves…”
“Let them discern for themselves” was found in a comment on our Facebook page recently regarding our ministry. Oh, how we are so thankful that we were not left to…
What’s Wrong with the Counterfeit Money Analogy When It Comes to Discerning False Teaching
People sometimes use the counterfeit money analogy as a dig against those of us in discernment ministry to discredit and discourage the endeavor to examine non-Christian/secular philosophy and false teaching…
Taming the Tongue
In college, although I (Emily) was a professing Christian, out of curiosity to learn more about my own spirituality, I began to study things that I now know were a…
Being Led By the Spirit: What it is and What it is Not
What does it look like for the Holy Spirit to lead in the Christian’s life? From the onset, we believe it is helpful to define Biblically as it relates to…
Exhortations for Godly Shepherds
Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed, 2 shepherd the flock of God among…
Discernment of Religious Teachers and Teaching
This resource was created by our former pastor from our church back home in Missouri, Dr. John Greever. Below you will find some wonderful questions and answers regarding Biblical discernment…
The Sufficiency of Scripture in the Christian Life: Part 6 and Review Questions
Back in January 2021, we approached our pastor with a question: Hi Pastor! We are getting some questions on prophecy and dreams, and we are curious if you could help…
‘Our church became a Circus: Why we left Faith Church’s charismania of roller coasters’- Sam Vanhorn’s Interview with Doreen Virtue
We are so excited to share with you this powerful interview with our dear cousin, Sam Vanhorn, and our dear friend, Doreen Virtue! Sam was able to sit down with…