As a Christian writer, I never want to cause anyone to stumble on their journey of gaining understanding of the truth of God’s Word. In America (and perhaps even around the world, thanks to television and social media), the gospel of Jesus Christ has become extremely muddied by false teaching full of false gospels, New Age/occult/pagan practices, lying signs and wonders, and distractions from worldly desires that are all leading many to false Christs.
Paul and I were among those believers who were believing lies from the result of the twisting of scripture and emotional, mental, and spiritual manipulation from leaders in ministry whom we trusted.
Although God began removing “the scales” from our eyes about four years ago, the road has been humbling, painful, frustrating, and difficult, among many other things. The wounds of deception can run deep and can time to heal; the longer you are deceived, the longer this process is probably going to take, we are finding.
God, in His sovereignty (a term we knew very little about, if we were honest), has been so incredibly faithful to us. The Holy Spirit has illuminated truth to us and has helped us cast down lies we were believing. Renewing our minds with God’s Word has been quite the healing experience (although painful to be sure), and we are so thankful for ministries who not only preach truth and exegete scripture so beautifully, they expose the lies of false teachers that seem to be all around us today.
This shouldn’t catch us by surprise because both Jesus and the Apostle Paul gave us proper warning that this would happen:
Jesus came out from the temple and was going away [a]when His disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to Him. 2 And He said to them, “Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down.”
As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the [b]end of the age?”
4 And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the [c]Christ,’ and will mislead many (Matthew 24: 1-5, NASB).
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, 4 and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths (2 Timothy 4:3, NASB).
Although Paul and I’s journey into discovering truth began several years ago, last winter, we were reminded the depth of our deception after watching the documentary American Gospel: Christ Alone. We cannot recommend this film enough. Seriously, go watch it. The first hour is free on Youtube. What are you waiting for?? Go. Watch. It. Now.
Since watching this film, we have experienced a conviction so deep that it lead Paul to quit his job at an infamous world-wide ministry because he did not want to be associated with helping propagate false doctrine, known as the prosperity gospel. Resigning from his position there was cutting the last tie to his past involvement in the Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel movement.
Before his last two weeks were over, he witnessed to as many coworkers as he could, hoping their eyes would be opened to the heresy of this false gospel. His boss, an executive at the ministry, requested a meeting with him to share his reasoning of why he was leaving. He came equipped with examples of the false teaching comparing it to God’s Word. To say I am proud of him is an understatement. We continue to pray for eyes to be opened for those in leadership and the employees at this ministry.
Over the last few months, I have also connected with others (online mostly) who have had similar experiences as Paul and I of walking out of deception. Feeling alone in this journey is one of the hardest parts to walk through. Our friends at our church have been extremely supportive, but they were never involved in this false teaching, so it is hard for them to truly relate experientially.
Some of these people I have met are quickly becoming good friends of mine, and I am so thankful for God’s kindness by allowing friendships to unfold that are centered around this similar experience and a love for truth.
There is a great need for boldness to speak the truth in love today, and we pray the Lord would use our experience to help lead others out of deception. Perhaps, there will be more to come regarding this, if the Lord wills.
As far as this platform is concerned, we pray God would receive all the glory from the words written and that we would always point you to truth.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Thank you so much for thus information. I was caught up in the evangelical pastors, law of attraction.I was afraid to speak anything in my life that was negative for fear of a situation getting worse, worried I wasn’t doing enough went all I had to fo was nothing but believe in the cross of Jesus. Thank you and GOd blessed
Thank you so much for sharing, Marlene. Praise God for opening up your eyes! Keep speaking up and sharing truth to those around you, sister!
Praise be always unto the Lord our God and Father through Jesus the Christ. As followers of Christ, we must understand who we are in Christ and that we belong God. Christ teaches us to be like our Father. Therefore, it is well for us to refrain from speaking negative things over our lives and simply focus on the positive. Its okay to share with a fellow believer what you are going through so you can go before Jesus on one accord in prayer over your situation.
But after that, leave it in the hands of God and worry no more. This is why Christ says He leaves us with His peace. You can’t have peace if you consume yourself with negativity or worry. I read the word everyday for guidance and understanding of scripture that I may know for myself what is required of me and how to live in Christ that I may be an effective witness to others, especially those who have been disillusioned by false doctrine. God bless you sister that you may be filled with the truth and joy of God’s faithful word.
I watched your interview with Doreen Virtue and was so blessed…. I have watched many reports about false teachings and so many commentators not only judge but condemn these false teachers…. I felt like your humble approach and aim for reconciliation and truth was so beautiful….. God is so good and being magnified in your life. Thank you.
Thank you so much, Sandra, for your encouragement! It truly means so much to us right now! God bless!
As the Catholic doctrine is based on supersition, in order to manipulate parishioners…so is the WOF doctrine. Nothing new under the sun, right? Satan just repackages the old heresies, beginning with the ones in the Garden of Eden!
I have found parallels as I have studied all false religions, pseudo – christian and non – christian; many more than I can write about here. I think bible calls it the wiles of the devil!
But, I do see with in the charismatic movement, an accumulation of many false religious heresies; more than any other false movement in history.
I do believe we are very close to the beginning epoch of the endtimes. Matthew 24 and 25.
Love and blessings in Christian to all! Ann B.
Amen, sister! Thank you for sharing your insight!
My friend Sherry and I met Joyce and Dave at a book signing in Columbus, Ohio in 2005. Guess that would be rare now these days. Viewed your interview on YouTube with Doreen Virtue that was very eye opening. Bless you both for the truth about Joyce’s teachings. I’ve always sensed something isn’t true in her presentations.
Thank you for sharing and thank you for your encouragement! We pray many more eyes would be opened! God bless!
Blessings unto you Brother Paul and Sister Emily. I was happy to hear you two come to the truth with strong conviction and taking a stand in the Faith by leaving the ministry, yet not wandering in the wilderness but have found a home where you are being fed the Gospel in spirit and in truth. I too experienced something of that sort on a job and resigned because I wasn’t willing to compromise my walk with Christ for finances. When I walked, I found Christ walking with me because though I didn’t have a job lined up, He provided me with one 2 days later. Walking By Faith.
It is sad that many ´´christians´´ think that this man Dr, Owuor is prophet.
I am living in Finland and that man had own TV serie and conferences. This christian TV company :
They are absolutely sure that this is man of God.
I believed so, too, but now I am sure that he is not.
I think big issue in this case as it is many times that we are trusting too much TV preachers.
So what is away out this: My christian friend told me that Dr.Owuor has said that he is Elijah and one of 2 witnesses : REV 11:4 These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks, standing before the Lord of the earth. [ Gr lampstands ]
5 And if any man desireth to hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies; and if any man shall desire to hurt them, in this manner must he be killed.
6 These have the power to shut the heaven, that it rain not during the days of their prophecy: and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with every plague, as often as they shall desire.
Wow, yes…the false teachers and false prophets are everywhere. We must pray for discernment!
Here you can see now too much things that are not
what Bible says.´´He went to heaven´´(Justin Peters is teaching about this kind )
Apostole Paul was in heaven once but it was forbidden to talk about it.
False Prophet:
Yes really, We must pray discerment.
It is sad to find out more and more faith healers
in USA and Finland:
This man is popular in Finland and many countries. Sign and wonders, next miracle mission 2020 .
Very bad experience 2008:
I admire your courage and faith in making such bold moves in the name of Truth. As a fellow sister in Christ, I too feel convicted to share truth with others as this is what we are to do as Christians. As you and Paul so adamantly want to follow all truths, what do you do when you read Scriptures about the Sabbath being from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday? I have read several Bible versions and none of them say that Jesus said for us to change our worship day to Sunday. Nor does it say that anyone else said that He told them to tell us to do so.
I was edified by the video you did with Doreen Virtue. Quite frankly I have not really heard of Joyce
Meyer until I heard your testimony. I may have heard the name but I didn’t know anything about her; I am a Bible believer and am grateful for mother sending me to a Bible teaching church school. It must be hard to have your belief torn away from your heart. Thank God you have a Biblical replacement for what was torn away. Your experience fascinates me. I would like to communicate with you. I have had miracles happen to me. But not always everything turned out the way I WANTED them to be. It turned out the way God wanted. HE is the One that is important. I am 74 y/o and I am still learning. God bless you and keep you always. I will be praying for you.