Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed, 2 shepherd the flock of God among…

Discernment of Religious Teachers and Teaching
This resource was created by our former pastor from our church back home in Missouri, Dr. John Greever. Below you will find some wonderful questions and answers regarding Biblical discernment…

The Sufficiency of Scripture in the Christian Life: Part 6 and Review Questions
Back in January 2021, we approached our pastor with a question: Hi Pastor! We are getting some questions on prophecy and dreams, and we are curious if you could help…

‘Our church became a Circus: Why we left Faith Church’s charismania of roller coasters’- Sam Vanhorn’s Interview with Doreen Virtue
We are so excited to share with you this powerful interview with our dear cousin, Sam Vanhorn, and our dear friend, Doreen Virtue! Sam was able to sit down with…

The Sufficiency of Scripture in the Christian Life: Part 5
Back in January 2021, we approached our pastor with a question: Hi Pastor! We are getting some questions on prophecy and dreams, and we are curious if you could help…

The Sufficiency of Scripture in the Christian Life: Part 4
Back in January 2021, we approached our pastor with a question: Hi Pastor! We are getting some questions on prophecy and dreams, and we are curious if you could help…

The Sufficiency of Scripture in the Christian Life: Part 3
A couple months ago, we approached our pastor with a question: Hi Pastor! We are getting some questions on prophecy and dreams, and we are curious if you could help…

The Sufficiency of Scripture in the Christian Life: Part 2
A couple months ago, we approached our pastor with a question: Hi Pastor! We are getting some questions on prophecy and dreams, and we are curious if you could help…

The Sufficiency of Scripture in the Christian Life: Intro
A couple months ago, we approached our pastor with a question: Hi Pastor! We are getting some questions on prophecy and dreams, and we are curious if you could help…

Filming for American Gospel 3: Spirit & Fire!
This past weekend, Brandon Kimber, the director of the American Gospel films traveled to visit us in St. Louis, MO to interview us for the newest installment in the American…