Our interview with Doreen released on her YouTube channel six months ago now. As of today, that video has been viewed 1,196,188 times. We don’t share that number to boast…
Tag: Justin Peters

God’s Sovereignty in Suffering
“The book of Job is the theological elephant in the room of the Prosperity Gospel.” Justin Peters Recently, we came across a post that was essentially drawing the conclusion that…

Our Interview with Doreen Virtue
As we were hinting in a previous post, in God’s perfect providence, an opportunity to share our testimony of coming of the deception of the Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel movement…

Tearing Off the Band-Aid
This last year has been pretty life-changing for the Masseys when it comes to our faith-walk with Jesus and living true to His Word. Although, we are not perfect by…

Prayers for Boldness to Testify
Four years have passed since Paul sat down with the pastor of our Word of Faith/Prosperity gospel church to vulnerably and lovingly share his heart on some deep convictions and…