This past weekend, Brandon Kimber, the director of the American Gospel films traveled to visit us in St. Louis, MO to interview us for the newest installment in the American…
Tag: deception

A Prayer for False Teachers
In America (and perhaps even around the world, thanks to television and social media), the Gospel of Jesus Christ has become extremely muddied by false teaching full of false gospels,…

Our Interview with Tulips & Honey
In this interview with Lauren and Becca of Tulips & Honey, we share more about our salvation testimonies- Paul heard the gospel for the first time when he was around…

Our Interview with Doreen Virtue
As we were hinting in a previous post, in God’s perfect providence, an opportunity to share our testimony of coming of the deception of the Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel movement…

Tearing Off the Band-Aid
This last year has been pretty life-changing for the Masseys when it comes to our faith-walk with Jesus and living true to His Word. Although, we are not perfect by…

Prayers for Boldness to Testify
Four years have passed since Paul sat down with the pastor of our Word of Faith/Prosperity gospel church to vulnerably and lovingly share his heart on some deep convictions and…

Walking Out of Deception and Into Truth
As a Christian writer, I never want to cause anyone to stumble on their journey of gaining understanding of the truth of God’s Word. In America (and perhaps even around…